Friday, March 25, 2011

Detroit's Dramatic Population Loss

What can I say about this?

I'm not surprised now that I think about it. There're no jobs. The buses are shitty, and there aren't any trains. Cars are tricky because Michigan allows discrimination based on zip code. I saved more then $1,000 in insurance alone when I left. The Public Schools have Mission Impossible, and (predictably) fail at it.

The jobs situation might improve soon, because the auto industry is picking back up, but in the long-term the industry is in decline. The political system is incapable of solving the other problems because it includes three county governments, and more then 100 Mayors, and everyone's obsessed with screwing everyone else.

It's really sad.

Part of the problem here is that the region is represented by it's biggest ghetto. Metro Detroit isn't doing great in this economy, but it's not lost 25%. But Detroit has, so the entire region looks shitty. And the sad thing is most of the political leaders in the region like it this way. They'd rather be last in everything then give voters from the ghetto a say in what happens in their tiny little enclave.



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