Saturday, March 26, 2011

God Qaddafi is an Ass

This morning a woman interrupted breakfast for the journalists covering Qaddafi in Tripoli. She had a tragic story. Apparently she's from the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, was in Tripoli, and was stopped by Qaddafi's forces. They gang-raped and physically abused her. Before she could finish her story she was detained by the waitresses, and dragged off to a car.

What's most telling to me is the reaction of the Libyan's in the room. If some crazy/drunk/drug-addled woman barged into a breakfast of foreign correspondents making the same allegations against the US National Guard the hotel staff would not immediately throw a tablecloth over her head. They'd try to calm her down, and call the police. The victim would leave in an ambulance. The journalists would have access to the police investigating the incident, and once the investigation was over they'd be able to look into just about every piece of evidence themselves, through the Freedom of Information Act.

OTOH all we know about the Libyan investigation into her allegations is that the Libyan government spokesman who physically dragged this woman into a car says it's going on, and the woman doesn't want to talk to journalists anymore.


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